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January 14, 2014

Neck pain is a pain in the neck for many people. Whiplash injury or disc herniation or disc degeneration may all in any combination or individually be the culprits. Chiropractic care at Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is many times effective in relieving the neck pain and even related arm pain for La Grande neck pain patients.  Some of our patients find us before choosing surgery for relief or seek us out after a neck surgery that may not have produced the desired relief.

Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC offers Cox Technic for neck pain relief in La Grande.

Now, these conditions of whiplash, disc herniation and disc degeneration may not only end up in neck pain, but also affect your balance and your vision. Researchers studied these in patients. They found that cervical proprioception plays a key role in postural control, how you see affects how you move. (1) Most interesting! La Grande chiropractic care offers evaluation of your cervical spine and its movements…and treatment to return motion to the neck if it’s not all it should be with Cox® Technic. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC offers this special chiropractic treatment as its research points to its effectiveness via federally funded research projects. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC has much experience with Cox® Technic and confidently offers it to our La Grande neck pain patients. It’s a welcome treatment for patients who don’t want to undergo neck surgery.

Nowadays, some choose to undergo La Grande neck surgery for a neck pain condition called cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC sees many after such surgery, too. But researchers are exploring the optimal approaches for the best outcomes with neck surgery. They report that anterior (from the front of the neck) approaches work better it seems in younger neck pain patients who have less severe impairment and more focal pathology with cervical spondylotic myelopathy. But they also say that patients report good outcomes with anterior and posterior approaches as long as other factors are controlled. (2)

But if you want to try conservative care before having to make such a decision to handle your neck pain or arm pain or cervical spondylotic myelopathy, contact your La Grande chiropractor at Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC today. Explore the conservative, non-surgical approach to neck pain relief with Cox® Technic flexion distraction. Neck pain doesn’t have to be a pain in your neck!