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La Grande Holiday Stress? Eat Walnuts!

December 02, 2022

Stressed out over the holidays? Eat walnuts! They’re a holiday kind of nut. They come in all types of flavors and in all types of recipes. (And if they are not in your family recipe, put them in them this year!) Research connects the gut and the brain, so it seems logical that if the brain is stressed, the gut is, too. Researchers now watch the effects of calming the gut and the stomach to calm the brain. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC invites our La Grande stressed-out patients, families, and friends to try eating some walnuts (unless you’re allergic to them!) to find their calm! The La Grande chiropractic care plan embraces all sorts of good info like this!


A new study based on previous studies that linked the brain, the gut and the gut microbiota and the beneficial effect of eating walnuts on mental health tested stressed out college students. Academic stress was linked with poorer mental health in college students, with their diet and food choices, their worse gut microbiota, and their moods. More females than males participated, but researchers documented that walnut consumption enhanced these metabolic and stress markers. Researchers concluded that eating walnuts may well protect against academic stress. (1) Let’s find out how well it works on holiday stress!


Holiday parties and events change normal eating patterns for many of us, influencing our blood tests and other issues. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC knows! An analysis of published research on walnut consumption since 2017 reported that eating walnuts improved lipid profiles and decreased cardiovascular disease risk. Additionally, more and more studies are being published on other benefits like improved cognitive health, inflammation decrease, glucose level regulation, body weight decrease, etc. (2) It’s a good thing walnuts appear in many holiday goodies!


Other research has documented the influence of oxidative stress and neuroinflammation on aging, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s another brain disorders, all issues that arise over a long period of time. Consuming walnuts for a long-time may delay or slow their onset due to walnuts’ protective role against inflammation and oxidative stress. (3) There is actually a Walnuts and Health Aging study based on prior research documenting that walnut consumption lessened oxidative stress and inflammation, well-known contributors to cognitive decline. An fMRI study of participants after 2 years’ consumption found that the trial didn’t appear to impact healthy elders but suggested a delay in those who were at higher risk of cognitive decline. (4) A delay in cognitive decline is a good outcome!


Let the researchers keep doing their research while we do our own! Try the theory yourself. Enjoy a few walnuts this La Grande holiday season. Plain. Candied. Spicy. Cinnamon coated. Choose your favorite! Like they say: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC might suggest “A walnut a holi-day may well calm you and keep you a bit healthier and a bit jollier!” Happy holidays!

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Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes the benefits of gentle, safe chiropractic treatment with The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management incorporation on the nervous system.

Make your La Grande chiropractic appointment today. Bring us your holiday stress…and your favorite tasty walnut recipe!

Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares a picture of a walnut which is said to be good for the gut and lower stress.