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La Grande Chiropractic Healthy News from Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC July 2017


Spine Treatment Preferred

Manual therapy spinal mobilization is preferred over physiotherapy by chronic back pain patients with disc degeneration for back pain intensity reduction and disability. (1) Not surprising to Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC at all! The hands-on effect of mobilization is comforting; the motion elicited is healing. That is just what chiropractic presents – comfort and healing! Chiropractic care endeavors to initially calm and lessen pain then incorporate exercise for continued pain relief and healing via strengthening to avoid future back pain. Back pain relief is a team effort!  Utilizing the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management offers the best of both worlds: gentle stretching treatment to painful segments that reduces intradiscal pressures and at-home care like exercise, hot/cold therapy and nutrition to boost the pain relief and recovery. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is equipped to share the La Grande back pain relief via Cox Technic with our La Grande chiropractic patients!

TIP of the Month: Vitamin D for the Degenerated Disc

Nutritionally, Vitamin D is such a good vitamin! Vitamin D is reported to help bone and mood and overall health. In studying the disc of diabetic rats, researchers find a new positive: Vitamin D may well prevent and treat degenerative changes in the degenerated disc by improving the disc’s content of transforming growth factor-β and insulin-like growth factor-1. (2) What is your Vitamin D level? Let us find out together, you and Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC! If it’s low, your La Grande chiropractic treatment plan will include Vitamin D suggestions from your La Grande chiropractor!

Be sure to schedule your July La Grande chiropractic appointment today! Your La Grande degenerated discs will thank you!