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La Grande Handgrip Strength Tells A Lot about a Woman!

January 15, 2019

La Grande ladies, this article is for you (and those who love you!). Men and women have different issues to deal with when it comes to their bodies. Of course! Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC knows these differences when it comes to treating the spines and their various hurting states of our La Grande chiropractic male and female patients. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is aware of the differences but highlights in this article an interesting discovery about women’s hand-grip strength - not just her grip on a purse either! - and health issues including La Grande back pain.


Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is amazed at the connections researchers create! Researchers have verified how grip strength is a sign of an assortment of health issues. One is anemia. Anemia bothers 13.9% of elderly people. Hand-grip strength and anemia in women is inversely associated. Low hand-grip strength suggests anemia. (1) Another issue is that women with low hand-grip strength report poor quality of life as it concerns mobility, usual activities and pain/discomfort dimensions(2) A third hand-grip strength link to health is its ability to monitor cognitive decline in adults over 60 years old. Hand-grip strength decreases; cognition declines(3) Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC finds these tests interesting for La Grande chiropractic patients and is quite drawn to what hand-grip strength says about La Grande back pain!


Another connection is formulated among back pain, hand-grip strength and a woman’s physical activity level in an over-50-year-old woman. Researchers checked the hand-grip strength of women. Each hand was tested with a dynamometer tool. Low hand-grip strength was classified as low grip strength of the woman’s dominant hand. A highly physical woman was described as one who did muscle-strengthening exercise at least 3 days a week. Women who tested with low hand-grip strength and a low physical active level were more likely to have low back pain. (4) Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC does many tests during the La Grande chiropractic examination; now you know why! Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC does not want to miss anything!

CONTACT Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Wanda Lopez on The Back Doctor’s Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson about a woman with back pain she assisted with back pain relief and better quality of life so she could once again walk in the park. What a joy!

Schedule your La Grande chiropractic appointment (or schedule one for the favorite lady in your life!) today to get some La Grande chiropractic information about maintaining and even improving your hand-grip strength with exercise and La Grande chiropractic care. Your quality of life may well increase! 
Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC measures the La Grande handgrip strength of female patients as a marker of back pain and much more!