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Anti-Inflammatory Benefit of Selenium in a La Grande Chiropractic Plan

February 16, 2021

Micronutrients like selenium are not so “micro” when you consider their power! The nutrients like vitamin C and D and B draw a lot of the notice, but researchers continue to unravel the power of the micronutrients. Selenium’s advantage – at least one benefit – lies in its anti-inflammatory capacity. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares selenium’s latest research support for our La Grande chiropractic patients’ consideration in light of any inflammatory issues they may be experiencing (ie, disc herniation, La Grande back pain, neck pain, leg pain, arm pain, etc.).


Vitamins and trace elements are micronutrients that maintain the health of organisms like us humans. These micronutrients are busy! They are key to every biochemical/cellular process in the body: heart and brain functions, immune responses, antioxidant defense routines. Long-term deficiency of any one micronutrient leads to disorders related to the cardiovascular or neurodegenerative systems. Researchers warn that older folks need to be quite careful as they are more prone to problems due to diet and such. The deficiency of micronutrients is shown to have an indirect impact on the genome even and slow antioxidant enzymes and decrease the efficiency of defense against free radicals. The more there is of this type of damage, the faster the process of aging of cells and the greated the risk of pathological processes like cancer. (1) In this discussion, we are|we’re]33] going to concentrate on selenium for the sake of our La Grande chiropractic nutrition talk.


Of note, selenium deficiency especially in the older population was associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. In fact, selenium deficiency is independently associated with cardiovascular disease. It also is linked to elevated circulating inflammatory markers and influenced by the expression of chemokines, cytokines and sirtuins in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. (Yes, we’re getting down to the cellular level where the words are even more foreign to our day-to-day language!) Selenium as a key micronutrient for health that protects the body from oxidative stress that accumulates over time particularly in older folks. (2) Selenium deficiency also has a detrimental impact on vascular disease as inflammation intensifies vascular disease. MicroRNA (miRNA) can affect inflammation in a variety of ways. A selenium deficiency can affect miRNA’s expression by stimulating inflammation. (3) Stimulating inflammation is not what Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC or our La Grande chiropractic patients want! Selenium along with zinc are two of the most important micronutrients having significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that they are important in inflammatory bowel disease. (4) Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC talks about the role of inflammation in La Grande back pain and other spine pain conditions. Keeping the body equipped with the proper vitamins and micronutrients to maximally address such inflammatory issues is critical to the health of our La Grande patients.

CONTACT Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. James Cox on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he describes the effects of inflammation on the body and how spinal manipulation via The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management integration may benefit by disrupting the inflammatory process.

Schedule your La Grande chiropractic appointment soon. No pain issue you have is “micro” nor are any of the key vitamins and micronutrients your body needs to function its best! You and Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC can discuss inflammation more at your next chiropractic appointment!

Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares information on the micronutrient, selenium, and the detrimental effects of its deficiency like inflammation.